In a 20-minute PathAdvisor assignment, students learn about themselves and where they fit best in your majors.

PathAdvisor includes

How to feel and perform better in college and post-graduation

Students learn about the science of academic and career well-being. We share 3 easy steps to understanding themselves better and how to find their best academic path at your institution. If a student is preparing to graduate, we’ll help them decide on next steps that will make them feel happier and more confident about their future.

Career Decision Profile®

In 5 minutes, students take a snapshot of how they feel about their academic and career journey. They identify their unique needs, barriers, and how to make progress in making college major, post-graduation, and career decisions. Take it again later to monitor progress and changes in comfort level. Learn more about the Career Decision Profile.

Career Key Discovery®

In 10 minutes, students identify the academic and work paths where they will thrive and get better grades, persist, and finish on time. Return to PathAdvisor any time to explore as they learn more about themselves and the courses that excite them. Learn more about this career assessment. Major and programs are customized to your institution.

Career Key Central – Administration Dashboard

Easy implementation, Single Sign On (SSO)

View students’ PathAdvisor activity

Identify at-risk students who need more support; AI-enabled notifications

Simple, powerful PowerBI data reports

PathAdvisor is NOT 1x use

  • Purchase once for your course, access throughout enrollment. AI-enabled features mean personalized, relevant information is always available.
  • New milestones = new decisions. First, use PathAdvisor to choose a major. Use it again to make post-grad Plans A, B, and C. What if a graduate school plan doesn’t pan out? A family event? Get support to pivot to another successful path.
  • Save money through Inclusive Access, Equitable Access. Get a major, graduate program, or career choice right the first time.


$49.99 USD list price, save students money
  • Purchase once, access throughout college enrollment
  • AI-enabled features, always updated
  • Group discounts via Inclusive Access, Equitable Access
  • Save students money by increasing academic performance, persistence in majors, and higher rates of on time graduation.
Customize PathAdvisor for your institution
  • Your majors, minors, degrees, links to your course catalog
  • Your desired labor market data for related careers (state, province or national)
  • Your offices for student support (i.e. advising, counseling, career services, financial aid)
  • Included in one-time set up fee

Available in your LMS & SSO

1st Day Digital Delivery

On the 1st day of class, all the students – scholarship or not – get equal access to PathAdvisor. With any LMS, including BlackBoard Learn and Canvas, we’ve got you covered. No code printouts, no clunky integrations. See Bookstore below for more details.

We speak Higher Ed OIT’s Language

OIT loves us (and we love them). Our technology is simple compared to other vendors, we’re responsive, and we know what we’re doing. From disability accessibility, HECVAT Lite, to FERPA, we know higher education technology – and the importance to getting it right.

Course materials in your Bookstore

Do you work in the campus store?

There are at least 2 ways to make PathAdvisor courseware available for students and faculty next semester. It doesn’t matter which LMS you use – PathAdvisor works.* 

You’ll get more faculty adoption and student satisfaction when you customize PathAdvisor to your institution, your colleges, majors, and support resources. That’s why that’s the first step.

  1. Contact Kristine ([email protected]) to set up your institution’s customized PathAdvisor product in VitalSource. This includes a separate admin account with SSO, Career Key Central for faculty and advisors to access student activity and data.
  2. Ask your VitalSource representative to add your institution’s PathAdvisor to your Bookstore’s course materials. Make sure to ask about Inclusive Access options to save your students money.
Order Access Codes
  1. Contact Kristine ([email protected]) to set up your institution’s customized PathAdvisor product. This includes a separate admin account with SSO called Career Key Central. That’s where faculty and advisors access student activity and data.
  2. Send us a purchase order ([email protected]) for the access codes you need (10 code minimum).  Access codes do not expire and there are no refunds.

* By August 2024, PathAdvisor will have full LTI integrations with BlackBoard Learn and Canvas. But it works now – just ask us how.