Personalized courseware for 1st through 4th year college students to explore and find their best academic path, plan their future, and save money.
- 1st Day Digital Delivery through your LMS
- Inclusive Access
- Equitable Access
- AI-enabled, personalized support strengthens student well-being
- Published by Career Key®, trusted by higher education 25+ years
Courseware that excites students about your majors
You’ll know,
- Your best academic path
- How to overcome barriers and feel better about your academic and career journey
- Successful career paths with your major after graduation
- Who can help you take action and support your aspirations
- How to save money on this journey
You’ll know,
- How to excite students about your field’s majors
- How to increase students’ academic performance and persistence
- An efficient, meaningful way to connect students to post-graduation paths, customized to your institution and fields of study
- How to give your students the advising support they need to be successful, with AI help
PathAdvisor is courseware for
- First Year Experience programs, First-Year seminar, Freshman orientation
- 100-200 Introductory courses in any discipline
- Professional development courses
- 300-400 Higher level courses that explore post-grad paths: Plans A, B and C

Our higher education partners include,

We know higher education
While PathAdvisor is a new LTI courseware tool, its publisher Career Key has served higher education for over 25 years. It is the leading expert in helping students find the right personality and interest fit in academic and work environments using Holland’s Theory of Vocational Choice. Large, peer reviewed research studies show this fit (congruence) predicts higher grades, persistence in a major, on-time graduation, and postgrad job satisfaction.
Other facts about Career Key
- 4 million K12 and college students use Career Key each year
- Founded by a first-generation, nationally recognized counselor educator and Professor Emeritus in the College of Education at N.C. State University; and his wife, a public school librarian
- Family owned, nationally certified woman-owned enterprise
- Started in Raleigh, North Carolina, now based in Seattle, Washington
Important Memberships